Great Escape Starts

"Good afternoon, Chief Warden, Counsellor. Thank you for coming." When Wuxing opened the door, he spotted Chief Warden who was just about to knock on the doors again and a handsome and slim middle-aged man who Wuxing guessed was the promised lawyer. Wuxing greeting them both with a firm handshake and smiled like a kind host.

"Did something happen? You were not opening the doors for so long." Chief nodded to him and asked, quite irritated for waiting this long but Wuxing simply smiled and blamed it on Dongmei, "I'm sorry, Miss Guan was still in her nightgown when you guys knocked so she had to first choose her clothes before locking herself in the bathroom. We all know how slow girls can be when picking clothes, am I right? Hehe."

Hearing Wuxing comment, it was the lawyer who laughed first and confirmed while showing off the ring of his finger, "Haha, true, true. No problem. I have been through that so many times. We didn't wait for that long anyway. Shall we enter?"