Unexpected Meeting - Part 2

About twenty minutes earlier.

When Wuxing put the lawyer in the closet, the victim didn't stay quiet, finding all that Wuxing was planning quite ridiculous, "What are you planning to do? Even if you wear my clothes, they will find out anywa— Mhmm!" To quickly shut him up, Wuxing picked the knee sock which was the only object on sight and plunged it inside of the lawyer's mouth.

With the trash talk gone, Wuxing smiled, enjoying the moment of peace before the action would start and replied, "You will not be the person to find out. I already paid you, just stay quiet and do as I told you. If you pass the wrong message, I will hunt you down, do you understand me?"

"Mhmm…" The lawyer couldn't do anything else but listen and nodded like a good boy. If Wuxing had the balls to run away from this high-security Prison then he was definitely brave enough to appear once again in his life to cause him troubles.