Guan Dong's Rage


"Fuck! He and I can no longer live together on this planet anymore!" Guan Dong cursed once again as he smashed an expensive vase against the wall, his face all red from anger as Wuxing increased his blood pressure with his words. 

All he wanted to do now was smash things to vent his fury but before he could continue, with another object, the doors opened abruptly and Guan Mei entered into the room to see what is going on. When she saw her favourite vase smashed, she couldn't help but yell at him, "Are you out of your mind!? Calm down!" She could see the anger on his face but she wasn't scared to confront him, getting her whip ready with some scolding. 

Knowing he couldn't smash anything anymore, he only banged his hand on the office desk while cursing again, "Fuck!" He knew it was made from the solid wood so nothing could happen with it.