
Dongmei naturally knew something was wrong and quickly approached him, placing his arm across her shoulder before asking worriedly, "Wuxing... What happened?!" 

Wuxing thought he could handle one more transformation but it turned out his breakfast wasn't enough. Smiling bitterly to her, Wuxing pointed at the suitcase and said weakly, "It's nothing, cough, open the suitcase and pass me the bag inside." 

Dongmei naturally rushed to the suitcase after making sure he could stand alone and found a small breakfast bag, similar to the one they had at her apartment and passed it to him quickly. He unpacked it and pulled out two sizeable balls from inside, looking as if it was made from a lot of nuts or oats. 

"Thank you," Wuxing said as he gave them a solid bite and ate slowly while leaning over the wall, gradually regaining his strengths. Fortunately, this time he was lacking only a small amount of energy so he didn't suffer too much due to hunger.