The Last Act

"You can slowly stop the ship," Dongmei said to the walkie-talkie upon seeing that the land wasn't that far from them. They could already see the docks from the distance. With the speed the ship was travelling with, it wasn't that simple to stop but with Wuxing calculations, they would stop about one mile away from the land which was perfect for him.

The reason for the stop was obviously two destroyer ships who were sailing behind them as they finally caught up and the helicopter which was hovering above in the sky. They were already preparing to stop the ship forcefully so it was safer to just stop themselves. 

"Yes, Miss! I already got a few warnings from them but nothing serious aside from that." The Captain replied back right away, his voice containing a big sigh of relief. He was already anxious with two Destroyers on his tail but now there was even a helicopter flying above their heads which added an additional layer of panic.