Katherine The Devil


Anna sniffed as a teardrops fell on her cheeks and shook her head, saying gently, "No… It's not too much. Everyone deserves such happiness. That's actually so romantic… I really want you two to succeed…" 

Saying all that, she wiped her tears of happiness away and sat next to him instead, adding, "Don't worry, I won't tease you anymore. You already have someone you love so much. I am jealous." She also wanted someone so dedicated who will love her but she knew it was really rare to find such a person. 

Wuxing story only confirmed that she had a good eye for men as she already figured that there was something special about Wuxing before they even started talking. Afterwards, it was only a confirmation period. This actually cheered her up a little as she had hope that she can find the one she is looking for.