Sadistic Love Obsession

Both Anna and Katherine jumped out of the bathtub on instinct, wanting to act but just as they walked two steps, they heard a message from their Spirits, 'Wuxing is gone already. Are you planning to run outside naked?' 

They looked at each other's naked bodies and grabbed their towels first, wrapping them around their chest before walking outside. Unfortunately, they only confirmed that Wuxing was gone, together with both of his guns, making their expressions gloomy.

Just then, Katherine heard Sandra's curse, her voice sounding dejected, 'Damn… To think that it was really this bastard's ability user… I knew I felt something before…' 

Sandra felt something familiar coming from Wuxing but it was only for a moment. Even when Katherine touched him later, there was nothing so she decided to let it go. Who would have thought that she was right?