
"Thank you for escorting me, Jonathan. It was nice talking to you. Hope you find him soon." Wuxing replied as the two of them left through the hotel entrance. He didn't have a problem with passing by all the guards and was quickly escorted out. 

"Haha, no worries Captain. By the way, I have yet to congratulate you on your form. The last time I saw you Captain you were a bit fluffy but look at you now, muscles of steel. You must have had a lot of fun lately, haha." The guard joked around as he winked knowingly at him and Wuxing only shrugged mysteriously, keeping it cool before saying, "I will be off now. I have a meeting today."

"Alright, see you, Captain." The guard didn't have a problem and even saluted playfully to him before running back to the hotel.