Take Me With You

"Yes. This is exactly him." Alice confirmed after seeing the 3D model on the screen and couldn't help but ask, "Can I have a copy? He is so handsome…" His image was already engraved in her mind so it wasn't hard for her to explain in detail how he looked. 

"Miss, are you sure it's him and not some kind of celebrity or Prince?" The Deputy Chief's lips twitched, seeing how handsome the guy was and quickly called out to his assistant, "Did you find him in the street footage already? We need to compare the model with the real one." 

The assistant pulled out a portable drive and inserted it into the computer as he explained, "We got some camera footage from the nearby shops but not many were clear. He seems to be looking away every time there is a surveillance camera pointed at him so we only managed to get one clear shot of him. Here is the photo."