Who Wants To Be Next?

This time, the light was turned on and Wuxing didn't need any directions by Devil Face, knowing exactly where to shoot. The closest gangster head was blasted apart but Wuxing didn't stop at that. He launched himself forward by kicking the desk next to him and fired another two bullets to the two targets that were watching him in confusion. 

Bang! Bang! 

One of his guns didn't have the suppressor but the gangsters came prepared, putting on simple plugs into their ears. Naturally, it wasn't enough as they still felt pain in their ears from the gunshot but they were not stunned like their predecessors. 

Their Team Leader was checking their boss so he didn't notice the situation, but after the first gunshot, he immediately looked to the side. Unfortunately, this was the last thing he saw as his forehead welcomed a sweet bullet right after, blasting him backwards in a cool fashion.