
James paled the moment he entered the restaurant with Anna. He looked at the corpses on the floor with their throats cut and blood flowing out in streams before starting at Katherine who was cleaning her second katana with a white cloth that she found on the table. Her expression was cold, appearing as if she was not bothered by any of this. 

This made James quite scared, first time seeing such a sight. The moment Katherine glanced at them, his body even shivered but he forcefully calming himself down, knowing it wasn't the time for that. He followed after Anna who wasn't bothered by the bloodied bodies, only dodging the blood puddles to not smudge her sandals. 

Anna hugged Katherine the moment she sheathed her katanas and said proudly, "As expected of my Kat, fast and clean. Shall we go? Wuxing left us some present inside the gangster base." Katherine wasn't a person who likes hugs, so Anna pulled away from her after getting her fill.