I Promise...

The private jet landed in the distance and Dongmei didn't stop looking at it. The weather was a bit cold but she still stood outside, being exposed to both the noise from all planes as well as the cold wind that constantly blew at her face.

She didn't approach it when the jet circled towards another terminal and only watched. She would still have time to run up to them in case it was actually Wuxing in the plane. From the blank description on the plane's information, Dongmei knew the person flying in it was either a highly ranked political or a Seven Star Member.

Based on the fact that there was a selection very soon, she was definitely betting on a latter. What's more, it was flying directly from Badu City which means high chances of it being Wuxing as well.

Right when the jet stopped, the doors behind her opened and the airport manager walked out of the building to hurry her.