Dongmei, Join Me!

Thankfully, Scarlet was smarter than she looked and quickly got all the concepts, including the existence of spirits and Seven Stars secrets. As Wuxing already planned to somehow give Scarlet her own Spirit, it would be better if she knew about it beforehand.

Katherine and Anna had to cancel their reservation as they took on Dongmei offer to live with them. As they were meant to be a group later, they wanted to socialise more with each other.

Or at least… that was the voiced out reason. It definitely wasn't because Anna wanted to live together with Wuxing, hoping for something to happen between them. After all, only a spark is needed to start a fire.

"Whoa… It's so nice in here…" Anna called in amazement as she threw herself on the softest bed she has ever touched, her arms spread widely to absorb all the softness into her skin.