I Know Something...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wuxing fired five bullets and put down his weapons, finding it wasn't necessary to shoot more. The gun instructor frowned but then clicked the button to call the target and looked at Wuxing surprised. Only one bullet hit the head while the other four where scattered on four limbs, hitting hands and feet perfectly in the center. 

The instructor knew how much precision one needed to hit targets separated from each other this far while constantly shooting. 

"Congratulations, you are a great shooter. Are you fine with other weapons too or just the pistol?" The instructor asked as he placed a check-mark on his list. 

"I'm skilled with all kinds of weapons. Assault-rifles, machine-guns, snipers, knives, swords. Pick anything, I know it," Wuxing said boldly, his expression calm as if it was nothing. 

They could talk with each other despite the noise as there was a voice amplifier build into the sound concealing headphones.