You Did Well

Just as Devil Face said, they saw the clearing in the jungle once they got closer and Wuxing aimed to fit inside of it, landing perfectly on the overgrown grass. Unfortunately, they were not the only ones who thought of the same tactic as them.

Dongmei landed right next to him but behind her, two other people were preparing to land. Despite jumping off the plane last, Wuxing's team landed first because they increased their falling speed by swiftly turning their parachutes down in the last couple hundred betters.

Wuxing acted immediately as soon as their feet touched the ground.

"Hide behind the trees!" he called out to Scarlet as he unbuckled them from the parachute and pushed her to the side with two backpacks on her.

Dongmei happened to trip during her landing so he dash up to her, helping her stand up and drop her inventory for easier fighting.

"Here, take this," he said as he passed her the knife he took out of her bag.