How Is She?

Dongmei gave Wuxing one last deep kiss, just in case anything went wrong, and took off her backpack, passing it to him. All three of them walked towards Ethernum Crystal block, both Wuxing and Dongmei acting cautious. Only Scarlet was calm as she didn't know how dangerous those crystals were. 

'How is the situation? Any dangers nearby?' Wuxing asked in his mind worried, scanning his surroundings. They were taking a lot of risks but knowing it will help Dongmei, he decided to agree. 

'Not right now. There was one person passing by on the edge of my range but he already left, heading in the direction of the base. No mutated animals in the area as well. Only some harmless ones,' Devil Face reported. 'I noticed that it hasn't been long since this island transformed. Most animals are still in their early phase, having their predatory instincts intensified. They should adapt with time and become much smarter.'