Talent in Acting

Hidden within the trees and bushes, two men on each side of the road were crouched, scanning the area less than a hundred meters in front of the entrance to their base. They all wore camouflage clothing, geared up from head to toe with their faces covered as well. 

One of them, acting like a leader, carried a tablet and watched its display at all times. It showed the map of the whole island and it was filled with hundreds of red and blue dots. The latter was lower in quantity by a massive margin. 

Beep, beep. 

A quiet alarm set off from the tablet as the man was zooming in on the map and a notification popped up on the screen. 

'New challengers approaching.' 

The man got excited seeing the pop-up and quickly activated his communicator by touching his ear. "Someone is coming, get ready," the man spoke in a whisper. 

"Roger that, waiting for instructions."