Imagination (*)

Scarlet wasn't as stupid and naive as she pretended to be at times, trying to act cute. She knew exactly what was going on. Everyone was making moves while she stayed behind, already out of the race. 

That needed to change! She couldn't wait anymore!

"Scarlet, don't you think you should let the two of us sleep together?" Dongmei questioned. 

Scarlet pouted but eventually sighed, getting into her side of the bed, "Alright… But then I want to cuddle with you, big sis." 

She moved closer to Dongmei and hugged her from behind. 

"How about we move more to the middle?" Scarlet added without waiting for a reply, considering it already a done deal. 

Hugging together they were mostly laying on the right side of the bed which seemed pointless. 

"Hmm…" Dongmei hesitated, gazing at Wuxing but she didn't raise any issues in the end. "Alright."