Incoming Visitor

"Huh? Someone, I know?"

Dongmei raised her eyebrows in surprise. She thought she wouldn't be paid much attention in the selection, wanting to pass it silently by Wuxing's side but it seemed like it was impossible. Her family roots were reaching too far.

"Yeah. We were called earlier for a meeting and they told us to prepare. We don't know a lot of details as of now but we know it involves you. We will have to wait for Ash first. She was the one who talked about it with the headquarters," Katherine explained. "It involves someone with a higher rank than us so they didn't include us."

"Huh…? Isn't the higher only a God Rank?" Wuxing questioned in a similar shock and leaned to Dongmei while asking in a whisper, "Do you have any God Ranks in the family…?" 

"None that I can think off right now… Maybe it's not the God Rank but rather someone influential enough to be considered as one?" Dongmei suggested, deep in thought. "I doubt my father would come through."