Hero or a Villian

Scarlet's words took Wuxing off guard. Dongmei told him to forget about the girls and focus only on her, yet now Scarlet countered it as if she heard everything before. He turned to look at her with squinted eyes and she coiled his face with confident brilliance in her eyes. 

Wuxing has been with Scarlet enough time to know something was off. Her face was the same, her body and voice didn't change, but that look in her eyes belonged to someone else. 

"Did you take control of her again?" Wuxing questioned sternly and caught Scarlet's wrist. "Give it back to her, now." 

Dongmei glanced back in confusion and her eyes widened, "Huh? Scarlet?"

"This is not Scarlet," Wuxing corrected and threw Scarlet's body on the bed. "It's Miss Elizabeth that took over her."