Grand Challenge

When Wuxing's mind cleared and he opened his eyes, Anna was already gone from under his body while the sun rose from behind the horizon. He thought he was resting for just a few minutes but it turned out the whole night has passed.

"Good morning," Wuxing greeted the two ladies whose weights shifted on his chest. "Did you sleep well?"

Wuxing received no reply so he peeked under the sheets and found the two naked girls hugging him with their heads on either side of him. They were both sleeping soundly like they didn't have any care or worries whatsoever. They looked so peaceful that Wuxing felt bad waking them up, so he simply lay there in silence and pretended he was asleep as well.

The two woke up a few minutes later almost simultaneously and they started kissing Wuxing from his neck all the way to his face. He was about to open his eyes to surprise them when they dove down his body and worked together to wake him up.