Chapter Part VIII :- Treasure Hunt!

in previous chapter of this story we all read that how naiko means Yoshida nakata kill A+ monster and get treasure map and after decided to go on treasure hunt with David. according to naiko in treasure map written that for to find the treasure they have to go the arc island. so naiko and David decided to pack up their bags to go arc island. after both come to arc island there they notice some kind of magic spell which naiko think to made by powerful wizards to save something on the arc island from the eyes of greedy and normal people's. so naiko use one of the legend spell to make it able to see through the spell when naiko do that then she seeing a monster who stand on a mountain of arc island and be on guard to protect something from someone. so naiko decided to go on the mountain to get know what the hell is the monster protecting from people's then naiko noticed that on that mountain have a cave which inside of that cave contains lots of treasure like gold diamonds and excatra. but that monster isn't protecting to that treasure that monster protect something else which over on the hill of mountain after naiko decided not to take that treasure which inside of cave and go for look what the hell monster is protecting. then naiko use one more her spell that spell helps her and David to hide their body completely after using that spell naiko started to walk on the hill of mountain there naiko presence some kind of powerful stuff then naiko understand what that monster protecting behind the hill of mountain after when naiko saw that stuff is a golden colored sword then naiko and david go to near of that sword then naiko's spell disappeared and monster saw them then naiko and monster started to fight each other then after naiko use her ultimate magic spell the distraction of light that spell blow half of arc island mountain but after naiko take that golden sword away with her and run away from the place of hill of the mountain with David. and after the spell of powerful wizards also get disappeared. that noticed by magic Academy that naiko did all of this then naiko and David called by powerful Wizards. but not for punishment after all. because they kill the monster who they can't able to fight against. so powerful Wizards prise her for her hard work or able to kill SS+ Class monster only by one move. after naiko started to talk about golden sword to powerful Wizards. when powerful Wizards heard about that naiko able to pull out that sword then they shocked this time to hear that because that sword of a hero. which died more then two thousand years ago and after to his death no one can able to took it out of the golden sword. after powerful Wizards said to naiko to show them the golden sword then naiko pull it out of golden sword and show to the powerful Wizards but no one powerful Wizards can able to pull up to the sword but it's not heavy at all for naiko because she have everything unlimited after all.