Chapter Part X :- Going to Castle of Eastern Empire!

in previous chapter of story we all read about that naiko means Yoshida nakata know about herself identity through David that she's a princess of west Eastern Empire. huh! it's too sucking isn't it. after mean while of story of David naiko means Yoshida nakata get little bit depressed to know about she is a princess but that's not the case she depressed of the reason that she is a princess. the reason behind of depression is about of her fiancee because into different world Yoshida nakata is a men and as we know. couples do something private things also and being a girl is little shocking to Yoshida nakata. urg! omg! god what into you put me! then everything stops around of naiko and light shine upon her and god appeared in front of naiko means Yoshida nakata. but as you know you can't change your gender if you have also stay two wise or you can make them become true! then god started to said why are you calling me my devote. in reply from naiko devote is my foot. i am just calling you to send me back to my world. in reply my dear devote it can't possible for me to do but if you wants to make any other wise makes become true then i will help you to make that for become true for you. then god started to say again to Yoshida nakata means naiko why don't you wise to me to erased your and David's marriage proposal as a fiancee of you. then Yoshida nakata means naiko hurts by gods words so Yoshida nakata kick god him out from the place where she with david . and everything get normal. but Yoshida nakata don't able to understand why she is not accept to go proposal to break up with david as her fiancée and why her heart hurts when god said that to her to break up with david. Yoshida nakata let stuff go with flow right now and forget stuffs for a while and started to talk about Emperor's treasure to David and asked to david to go with her out from magic Academy to find Emperor's treasure with her after all david is men of naiko so he decided to go out with naiko to protect her from every danger she will go in. after according to Emperor treasure map that treasure is inside of Eastern Emperor castle so naiko insists to david to take her to his home. when david accept her wise as her men. after two days traveling naiko came to the castle where david lives and after resting in herself room in castle david came with his father and mother to naiko to meet with her and after naiko said hello and greet her mother and father in law after david go back outside with his father to her room but David's mother stayed in naiko's room and started to said to naiko i know it's too quick both of you to be in relationship but i think you also like david and david also liked you then naiko get little bit embarrassed in front of mother in law then her mother in law started to smile to see naiko to embarrassed over on matter about of liking david. and after david's mother put out her Phoenix locket and put on naiko's neck and after naiko said to david's mother i can't take this it's too expensive and valuable for you in reply David's mother said to naiko no i will not take back from you now you're my son's wife. and you have taking care it all with david after of them. and after insisting too much by David's mother naiko accept the gift of David's mother. and after David's mother take her leave from naiko's room and after naiko also go with her to dinning hall on dinning table for dinner. after completing dinner naiko decided to go outside to look for david. after meeting david naiko decided to go on treasure hunt to find Emperor's treasure inside of castle.