The Guest

It felt so good to be home once again. It was already a month since Chloe left this house and to think, none of the seven doctors who managed her ever gave them a faint hope that she could survive. The outcome of the second surgery was still scary and unpredictable since the damaged part of her small intestine was above the jejunum, the point where most nutrients are absorbed. Her survival would still take a miracle since the nutrients from her milk would just pass from her mouth, down to the tip of her intestine which was pulled and stitched outside her lower abdomen, even before those were being absorbed into the body. If the second surgery would be decided longer than a month after her first, she could still die due to malnutrition.

The difficulty of her situation hit her hardly the moment she placed Chloe in her own crib beside her bed. The pads of sterile gauze which were placed around the ileostomy site became soaked with the drainage. She was already warned that once the fluid would touch Chloe's skin, it would cause an erosion. She hurriedly removed and replaced it with new ones after applying some cream to keep the skin protected should a leak become unavoidable.

She and her parents bid goodbye to Anne and Andrew before she sat back in her bed. It was not five minutes yet and there were the gauze pads, getting soaked again! She hurriedly changed it but then, it got soaked even before she could stretch out. The process of removing, cleaning, applying cream and placing another layers of gauze pads was almost continous, making her rest not longer than five minutes.

How could she rest from this, how could she grab a sleep? Her parents could never digest the thought of touching the tips of her granddaughter's intestines! They couldn't even bear to look at it. Nurses were not around to do it for her. She could only rely at Anne to help her when she would have something important to do.

After an hour of non - stop dressing, she got so tired and frustrated but she could not stop. Or else, it would add another injury and pain to her child. She thought of Ajie and was now wishing he would be there to help and comfort her. But she also remembered her humiliation and she just couldn't let it pass by. Was she wrong to do it? Would she not teach him a lesson?

Thinking hard about it, she knew she was to be blamed. She did not lack the knowledge that pre - marital sex was a great sin. It should have been enjoyed within the bond of marriage and her pregnancy would have been a joyous and exciting one. She would have not been miserable with the stigma of being a young, hiding and of being an unwed mother. Though she was accepted and forgiven by her parents, she must still suffer some consequences like enduring the burden of being alone. Though not all marriages are successful, but the percentage of being happy and excited during pregnancy is still much higher within the bond of marriage.

After a long while of crying while changing pads, a soft knock at the door brought her back to her senses.

She stood up to open it and saw Andrew with his packs of goodies again. He seemed to understand that she was crying as he held his gaze at her with a slight knit of his brows.

"Let me take care of this, Lyz. Take some rest and go to sleep. " He said as he reached out to her hand and helped her stand up.

Allie hesitated but was moved by his kindness.

"It's tiresome, you know. Only parents can endure this. "

Andrew smiled at her.

"Don't worry, Lyz. Before I shifted to my music degree, I took up first a nursing education but then I realized I was not happy. It is always best to marry your passion. "

Allie's eyes sparked in relief. He was really an angel to her, appearing to lend a hand in her life's worst moments.

"But you have done so much

already. " Allie voice was hoarse, indicating her unspoken gratitude.

"Please don't mention it. I even wish to be a part of your life. "

Allie choked and Andrew understood it. He was even surprised why he was acting this way. He always held himself a sense of worth and pride.

"I want to be your friend, Lyz, just a friend. " Yet, he knew that this was a rather odd feeling.

"Thank you. " It was all Allie could say. She was grateful of his presence but there was a growing awkwardness between them.

Allie moved to the other side of the bed and drifted off to sleep as soon as she placed her head on the pillow.

She was just awakened up by her mother's tender nudge.

"Allie, Andrew is going now. He will be late for his show. "

Allie glanced at her watch and realized she had slept too long. She hurriedly sprang to her feet and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Andrew. Why did you just allow me to sleep long? "

"You need it, " he paused with a smile before he went ahead, "see you at the Grand Convention Center, Lyz, tonight will be my second concert - for - a cause. We need to be ready before the due date of Chloe's surgery. Anne will be coming over in a while to help Chloe. "

Allie held her gaze at him for a moment.

"Andrew, if you don't mind, I don't think I am needed there."

"I mind, Allie, because..." He paused when he realized her mother was still there. She must have understood since she instantly excused herself.

"I need an inspiration as I play. "

Allie blurted out foolishly, unable to pick up Andrew's hint.

"What kind of inspiration do you need? " She asked, her expression revealed innocence.

"It's simply.... you, Lyza. "

Allie was dumbstruck. This seemed not right. She wanted to speak but words would not come out. Andrew patted her shoulder with a pursed smile and left her wondering about his behavior.

Allie checked Chloe's dressing and when she saw that it was not soaked yet, she hurriedly took a bath. She was still in her towel when she came out of the bathroom. Just when she stepped out, her eyes widened and almost tripped herself off. Sitting on a chair before the crib, was someone she expected the least to see again.