Give Me Your Daughter's Hand

Ajie strode fast towards Allie and hurriedly picked up Chloe from her arms. He furrowed his brows as he looked into her eyes but he did not say anything. He then placed Chloe on the play pen at the side of the couch.

Allie was already sitting on the couch when Ajie stood up. He then approached her and lifted up her chin, making her look up to him.

"What happened to you? "

Allie looked away, being hurt and humiliated. She was crying her heart out worrying for him but then, he was not even thinking about them.

"Adrian, how insensitive you are! Allie is already crying her eyes out because you did not go home and now you are asking what happened to her? " Dr. Jane rolled her eyes out as she looked at his innocent expression.

Ajie gaped at this realization. How insensitive indeed he was but he was really ill. He hurriedly pulled her into his chest and apologized a hundred times!

" I'm really sorry, dear. I fainted while on duty and I was already in the ambulance when I woke up. Instead of bringing me to the hospital, I insisted to be brought here. I was only awakened by the phone's ringing. "

As soon as she got sympathy and comfort, her urge to cry became uncontrollable. Setting her inhibitions aside, she sobbed her heart out, forgetting that Dr. Jane was there. Her crying was no longer about Ajie's inappearance but about the non - healing wound in her heart which started the day Ajie left. The depth of her pain, the troubling insecurities and her fears resurfaced, making her sobbing difficult to end.

After thirty minutes, the doorbell sounded. Dr. Jane opened the door as Allie was still not done with her crying. When a woman in white came in, Ajie and Allie looked up and wondered.

"Ajie, Allie, she's Miss Allain, daddy's private nurse. I requested her to come since daddy is still in the hospital. Show her the dressing materials and , both of you, go up to your room and rest. "

Ajie got so overwhelmed. "You are already returning much but I like this idea. Jane, thank you so much. " Ajie held her arm as he looked at her. His eyes were full of overwhelming gratitude.

"Nothing compared to what you have done. I have to go now so that you two can mend up. "

Dr. Jane hugged them both and left. Few minutes after while Allie was instructing Miss Allaine, the doorbell sounded again. They both looked at each other and wondered. Ajie stood up and when he opened the door, a man in red cap stood smiling at them.

"Sir, here's your food delivery. "


After Ajie did her a quick tour at the rooms upstairs and the terrace, he brought her to the master's bedroom. It was well - furnished with a queen - sized bed and other furnitures in latest contemporary designs. The paintings, the carpet and the interior design as a whole were feminine as it was supposedly Dr. Jane's resting place or a place to hang out with her friends everytime she would be at the city. Situated on the hillside, her homeplace was about a thirty - minute to an hour drive from the city.

"The second door to the fifth door are vacant. Choose what door you like so that you can move in with your parents but I would prefer that you chose the next door. "

"Once we can get married, move in with me here. This will be our room. But when I will be successful, I'll build you a bigger and more beautiful one. " Allie became teary - eyed again as he held her while telling this promise. She was already crying but still she felt she just couldn't cry enough.

Ajie then faced and cupped her face with his two hands.

"Am I already forgiven? "

Allie smiled despite the tears which came running one after another.

"How can I ever give you up? When it is only you in my heart... "

Ajie pulled her tightly in an embrace once again. Tears fell from his eyes but he quickly brushed it away. He regretted the day when he allowed himself to be carried away by anger, humiliation and wounded pride. Because of this, he missed Allie's pregnancy, her labor and delivery.

"By the way, how did you know I was here? "

"Because I was looking for you. It scared me so much when you did not go home. "

Ajie's eyes softened and he hugged her once more. "I'm really sorry, Allie. Always know that I love you and nothing can change it. And I am willing to wait until you can forgive me. "

"But you hold so many secrets. What will now happen to Dr. Jane? "

"Happen what? "

"She loves you, doesn't she? " She looked at him squarely, casting down her fears and suspicions.

Ajie laughed at her. "You still have not grown up, my dear. You're an intelligent woman, right? Why do you doubt so much? "

Alie pouted. She had cried so much at this suspicions and what justice could it have when it only ended as a joke?

Ajie lifted her up into the bed and without further delay, he filled his thirst and hunger for her the whole night until her lips and body became sore. They then fell exhausted by past midnight. And as they huddled close to each other after an exhausting encounter, it made both of them sleep until noon time.

Never did they know that Miss Allaine had already cried to Dr. Jane and requested for two relievers!

By the time they finally woke up, Allie got an almost hundred missed calls from her parents. He looked at Ajie with a scared and worried face.

"Let's go to your parents. "

In less than an hour while grabbing only some finger foods, they arrived at Allie's home.

"Where have you been, Allyza? And where is your daughter? Don't you know that we were so scared and worried? Even if you are already at the right age, we still deserve your respect! " Allie's mother was already fuming with anger.

Allie was also shaking in guilt and fear that she almost cried.

" Ma, please forgive me. Honestly, I went to look for Ajie yesterday when he did not go home and Dr. Jane brought me to his apartment only to find him sick. So I did not go home and slept with him. "

"Allie, are you not afraid of doing pre - marital sex again? Look at Chloe now, are you not afraid that this could happen again? "

Allie was already trembling with her mother's statement. She could not allow it to happen again. She glanced at Ajie who, in turn, reached out for her hand and squeezed it.

"For the second time, auntie and uncle, " he paused as he sincerely looked at each of them, " I am asking you this. Please give me your daughter's hand. I may not be succesful yet but I cannot allow my daughter to grow up without a father. "

"We are about to compulsorily demand for that. Only that you said it ahead!"

"You both go now to the Civil Registrar's Office. Be sure to get married before Chloe's second surgery. " Allie's father demanded.

"Exactly. You're not allowed to sleep together again before the wedding. "