Change of Identity

"Okay, ma'am. Please fill out this form and we will inform you once your papers are ready. "

"What are those specific papers I can get? "

"All the requirements you need in your application for delayed registration for birth certificate, high school and college diploma, Transcript Of Records, police and NBI clearances and etc. All you need in changing your identity. "

She took a deep breath and smiled before she turned to leave. Ajie was still sleeping when she returned to the hotel so she slipped out again to see her daughter.

Her heart sanked as she picked her up and carried in her arms. She got thinner and thinner each day and now she was skin and bones, a living skeleton. Her eyeballs sank deeper that it could no longer close when she slept. Her long and upturned nose was more emphasized since the layer of fats had disappeared.

The reason for her malnourishment was because her nutrients were no longer all absorbed into her system. It was because the cropped part of her intestines was above the point of nutrient absorption. She needed the surgery as soon as possible or she would die from malnutrition.

She called up the pediatric surgeon and described to him the status of Chloe so he ordered to let her undergo the barium enema the following day.

A barium enema is a series of x-rays done to detect malformations or defect in the intestines. A barium, which is a white crystalline inorganic compound being feed to the patient before the procedure, would  show up as bright white in the picture or film when X- ray is done. It would outline the shape and contour of the colon and rectum. If there is a clear outline of the barium passing through her large intestine until the rectum, then it means that Chloe's intestine had no more inflammations and was ready for the surgery.

After securing the schedule, her phone rang. It was Ajie.

"Where are you, my love ? "

"Home, feeding Chloe. "

"I'll pick you up. "

When he was in Manila, his diversion during weekends was learning to drive so he enrolled in car driving and got himself a driving license. So when Mr. Lopez gave him the car, he already knew how to drive.

In less than thirty minutes, Ajie arrived, picked up her daughter for a while then urged her to go back with him to the hotel. He then directly brought her up to the skypark restaurant in the highest floor of the hotel.

The top view was breathtaking. Rolling greenhills with huge trees spread out before them on one side.

On the other side, was the view of the sparkling, blue sea . A table for two with red rose centerpiece was prepared in the middle of the man -made garden where miniature rivers, fountains and ponds made the place a beautiful dating site.

Allie gaped at the sight but was also amused at the wonderful opportunity to experience a life like this. Someday, she swore, she would experience all the expensive and wonderful things this world could offer. She would also work hard for her dreams. It was not only Ajie who was aiming to achieve his dreams. She also had her own though she was not loud about it. She was just as silent as the saying which went around as , "deep water runs silently".

As soon as they were seated, Ajie held her chin and looked into her eyes.

"Want to know about Andrew? "

"Yes. "

"Kiss me first. "

Allie obediently reached out a hand around his neck and pulled his head towards her for a quick smack.

"Is that the way to kiss a husband? "

He pretended to complain as a big grin spread across her face.

"You bruised my lips last night so you have to abstain from kissing me until it is healed. "

"How long? One day? "

He soon felt his side was twisted as Allie reached out to pinch it.

"One year! " He glared, blaming him with her looks for being hard on her last night.

"Really? Is that how long you wait? "

"No. I can hold for only an hour. "She said laughing, taking back her words. Then, she pulled him down to kiss him again.

"Correction. It's only one minute. "She giggled.

"You're a cheater. It's only a

second! " He pretended to complain.

"Do you complain? "

Ajie chuckled out loudly as he placed her in her lap. "Allie..."

"Yes. "

"Please, promise me again that you will love me forever."

"I promise. "

" Promise, also, that you will love no one but me only. "

"I swear. "

"Thank you. " He turned emotional as he said this, remembering that he almost lost her. He hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Adrian James, though you are every woman's dream. "

He laughed, recalling Mr.Lopez's description of him.

"Unfortunately, the heart of Adrian James is only for Miss Allyza

Reyes. "

"Really?" She asked, now overwhelmed with her own emotions. She felt guilty of her plans but she must do it in order to live.

"I promise. "

Ajie, then started to tell the story about Andrew.

"Andrew also came from our hometown. His parents died in a boat accident when he was yet seven years old. His sick grandfather from his father's side asked my parents to adopt him but his grandparents from his mother's side, came to bring him to their home. They took him out of guilt because they rejected his mother the day she eloped with his father. She died without seeing them again. Her wish to be forgiven was never heard and because of that, his grandparents made it up for her through her son."

Allie held her gaze at him, almost without blinking.

"However, Andrew was made to believe as a child that he was taken by his grandparents because my parents refused to adopt him because of me. He grew up with that resentment against me."

"When he was in fourth year high school and I was in first year, we were both chosen to apply for a special scholarship program. However, I got it while he failed . He again felt bad at me. I understood that he needed it so everytime the financial aid was sent to me, I secretly gave it to him through our principal. We let him believe that somebody was sponsoring him. He only learned the truth when he graduated. "

"As we couldn't predict how our lives are being led, I met him again in the university in Manila. He was in love with a girl named Cherry. "