Andrew 7

Seeing the derision in Miss Perez's face, Andrew turned away. No matter how he tried to force himself to believe that it was all a dream, yet he also knew that everything was real. He rushed back home and called Cherry but their was a constant play of automated reply telling him that her phone was out of service.

Just then, he noticed that her personal care on the vanity table were gone. He stood up and inspected everything. The drawer for her accesories and lingeries were empty. The closet which housed her multi - colored stuffs was now dull and lifeless.

Cherry' s gone. She had finally left!

He's now alone, all alone! His tears fell with this realization. She, who had been patient with all his tantrums and aggressiveness, had finally given him up. She, who understood all his shortcomings and saw instead his strength, had finally got tired. She, who pretend to the world around them how perfect their relationship was, had already embraced the reality. She, who endured long against his betrayal, had finally gotten exhausted.

And now she's gone, forever gone... out of his life!

He cried hard with all the remorse he could muster yet he knew he was too late!

Adding an insult to his excruciating injury, he found a diary which probably fell off unnoticed. It lied upside down under the bed and its pages were crumpled. He dusted it and hurried to read it all.

June 6

We met someone by the staircase. I didn't understand myself. He seemed to be someone different from all the boys I met in the university, including Andrew. To my surprise, he was Andrew's friend and I was too overwhelmed with joy when we decided to let him be our male lead vocalist. Because I felt something different, something special. I would like to define it as love at first sight.

June 15

We had our first concert at mom's hotel. And I was never more inspired in my life like tonight to sing a duet with my fellow vocalist who was at the same time, my crush!

June 16

I noticed Andrews stolen gazes at mom and it hurt me. I also saw mom returned his gazes and I could guess what would happen next. And true as I predicted, he fell into her trap and I saw them doing the deed. Nothing could be more painful than seeing the man, who claimed to love you with all his heart, moaned in great pleasure and desire with your own mother!

June 25

While Adrian was tricked into getting separate room for himself, I knew it was because my lover and my mom was going to spend the night with each other in bed.

It didn't hurt that much at first but when I learned that Adrian was in love with a certain Allyza Reyes, I suddenly became hopeless. A Bachelor of Accountancy graduate last year of the University of Sto. Domingo - Cebu, I wonder how could she be any better than me.

July 3

Another beach outing again with my group who were all excited for the drinks, food and swimmimg as their way to release the stress of a student's life. I knew it was another wild night for Andrew and mom but it's alright. I was enjoying my moments talking to the man I am sure I am secretly beginning to fall in love with.

March 1

How time flies! Before I realized it, the day of my freedom from pain is almost at hand. It's time to execute my plan! Thanks for my secret love to Adrian. It filled my remaining days with thrill, inspiration and excitement.

March 29

Tonight, I will be sailing via MV Helena towards my freedom in the depths of the sea.

Tomorrow will be Andrew's graduation. While he will be celebrating it with mom, I will also be celebrating my freedom with the strangers of the unknown world.

...A separate note for Andrew...


The day you will find this diary, perhaps I'll already be meeting new people in my new world.

Congratulations on your graduation day!

May you'll always choose the path that would bring you success and true happiness.

Bye forever,


.....A separate note for Ajie....


Thanks for knowing you. If it were not because of you, I would have executed this plan a long time ago but my secret love for you made me decide to stay longer.

I admired your loyalty to Allyza. Even with the distance and the conflict, you remained true to her. I really envied her. I was wishing to find someone as true and faithful as you.

I just want to let you know that my curiousity of who she was, motivated me to know her more. I tried hard to find her and we eventually became friends on Facebook. We talked a lot. She told me her hobbies and interests as well as her dreams. I also admired her advocacy, especially in making herself a part of a youth's association. In fact, I got ideas from her on how to run the student council. That's why I did better as a president this year.

In case you will decide to come back to her, here's her address and contact number. Rest assured that I did not tell her that I knew you. It may sound funny but she told me how she got in love with a man named Adrian. Hahaha! If only she knew that I am also in love with this man...

Lastly Adrian, may your love for each other grows deeper and stronger 'til death do you part.


Last night....

MV Helena sailed through the rough seas and strong winds that night. There was already a forecast about a looming tropical depression but there was no advisory yet to cancel air and sea travels. All the passengers stayed in their cots since the rockings of the vessel due to big waves was more than enough to make one dizzy. Only crews were seen patrolling all around every now and then.

When all the passengers were asleep and only few crews were roaming around, Cherry went inside a cabin. She changed into a large T - shirt and a black jeans then tied her hair into a bun. She then put on her cap then stood by the door of the cabin. She then looked around the surroundings and saw that no one was around. Only the sound of the engine and the slaps of the waves were heard.

Few minutes after, a lound sound was heard.

"Splaaaaash! "

Then, a scream echoed through the walls of the ship.

"Man overboard! "

Footsteps were then heard running to and fro followed by three, long rings along with 3 long blasts on ship whistle to inform the other ships in the nearby vicinity.