The Plan

Few days after the surgery, Chloe was discharged from the hospital. Finally, Allie was able to relax from her worries. She was gaining back her ideal weight quickly and the joy within their home was restored.

The day came where Ajie had to decide whether or not he would accept Mr. Lopez' offer to let him continue his studies in Japan. He didn't want to be separated from his little family. He was debating within himself if the decision would give him more benefit than risk. And that he also had to weigh the risk if it wouldn't ruin himself and his family.

To help him decide, Mr. Lopez invited him and Allie for a dinner in his home.

"Adrian, you may bring Allie and your daughter with you. However, Allie would be stagnant because she would only be taking care of your child. Unlike here, where your parents can help in taking care of her then she can go ahead with whatever business plans that you have. If she would stay, she can also visit you with the baby every now and then. I'll have my men facilitate the processing of your papers. "

Ajie looked at Allie worriedly. What good can his success do if the distance may create a rift in their relationship?

Mr. Lopez watched them admiringly. Ajie was not exercising dominance as a man in their relationship but waited on the decision of his wife. Just then, a helper came running with a wireless phone.

"Sir Angelo, a certain Louise Dioko is on the line. "

"Louise, what's up? " Mr. Lopez spoke into the line without standing up to take a distance from them.

Due to the defeaning silence in the garden where they took their dinner, the voice from the other line could be heard well.

"Uncle, one of the agents who were sent into the company as a spy in disguise of a factory worker, revealed that there must be a worker who sell out informations to the authority as none of them were able to give solid proofs. So we are currently doing interrogations to some workers of Kamelyo Lab. "

"Uncle, my purpose in this call is to ask you a favor. Since you are now occupying the area and your workers may possibly come from Kamelyo, would you allow us to conduct an individual interrogation to your all workers? I cannot rest until we can avenge for dad. "

"Louise, your dad is also my close friend and someone I am greatly indebted to. You may go ahead with your plan but I am afraid that this revenge may ruin your life. " Mr. Lopez replied, his eyes were on Allie.

"As a parental advice, do not do anything that would also ruin your life. " He said further, his eyes still fixed on Allie.

"I'm sorry, uncle, but I can't just watch daddy in jail, helpless and hopeless. "

"We would find ways to get your daddy out. Just don't stain your hands in this. You're still young, Louis. I understand your pain but you don't have to do anything that may harm you. "

"Uncle, you know that it is impossible. Yes, we can hope for a parole but when is it going to happen?"

"Louise... " Before Mr. Lopez could continue, Louise hanged up.

Fear seized Allie's heart upon hearing their conversation. Louise Dioko was the son of Mr. Dioko who was arrested as one of the leaders of the drug syndicate operating mainly in Kamelyo. She breathed deeply but slowly to calm herself down, trying hard to make an expressionless facade as possible.

Mr. Lopez closed his eyes and sighed. After a moment, he looked at them and smiled.

"I'm sorry for the interruption. This brat is just inviting trouble into his life! " He said as he looked down on his phone and swiped a name in his contact list.

"Alfonso..." Mr. Lopez then narrated to him the conversation he had with Louise.

"Unless we can find an evidence that he is doing something unlawful, then we can prosecute him. But still, I'll send men to monitor his moves. "

"Then how can you protect your spies? " He asked further while his eyes returned to Allie.

"We are observing strict confidentiality but if one of those workers sell them out, how would we know? Just keep in touch with Louise so that you will be aware of his steps. "

After few minutes, the conversation was ended but Allie's heart was already pumping a mile after a second. She glanced up at Ajie but he seemed to be not worried about it. Either he was just being absorbed in his thoughts about going to Japan that he seemed to forget that she was the spy, she couldn't tell but it got her humiliated.

"Allie, what is your decision in this? "

Allie got startled when her name was mentioned. She glanced up to Ajie again and then to Mr. Lopez with a puzzled look. She was not listening.

"Pardon me, sir. My mind is somewhere else. "

Mr. Lopez smiled understandingly. " I understand. " He then repeated his question.

"If I am to decide, I want Ajie to go for his dreams. The opportunity you give him is rare and is such a great blessing. And as you suggests, sir, I agree to visit him every now and then. " She smiled at him then gave Ajie a quick glance.

Ajie was surprised. He never thought that Allie would agree since he knew that she wouldn't want to experience the loneliness of being alone again. They were just being reunited and it would be frustrating on her part that he would go away again.

Never did he know that a separate plan was brewing on Allie's mind.