I'm Worried For You

Getting down from her car, Allie stood in front of a tall building where a big signage was plastered into the top floor.


She held out the frame of her ID to the entrance guard which represented herself as the agent of ROUGH SEAS Marine Supplies and Equipments. Mesmerized by her unique Asian beauty, the guard didn't really look at it. He gestured for her to get in and showed her the direction to the company's purchasing officer.

Once at the door, she breathed deeply before making three soft knocks. She must overcome her fear before cowardice hops in.

The first step was all that she need to overcome. There's always a first time and every journey starts with the first step. There's no direct route, there's definitely no shortcut!

As if a direct answer to her prayer, a sweet smile of a beautiful lady greeted her eyes and all her fears and apprehensions disappeared. She was sitting behind her desk and in her front was a rectangular, marble paper holder with her name enscripted on it.

Cherry Perez, Marketing Officer

"Miss Kiamko? " The lady behind the desk whom she realized as indeed the Miss Cherry Perez on the official website of Dream Builders, Inc., stood up and extended her hand to welcome her.

"Miss Perez..." Allie, likewise, gave her a warm smile as she shook a hand with her.

"Follow me to the function room, Miss Kiamko. All the department heads will be your audience. They will be the one to decide if they should buy your products or not. Just be positive. God bless. "

Soon, everyone gathered as soon as Allie was done in her preparations for the presentation. With more than twenty intimidating department heads around, Allie walked up confidently to the front. She first introduced herself before presenting her company's profile. She then followed the presentation of her products without further ado.

Her beauty and elegance, brilliance and eloquence, her thorough product knowledge, the product's quality and the fair price and her air of sincerity — won the hearts of those around. She, herself, couldn't even believe it. On her first day as a sales representative, she was amazingly able to close a great deal. Not only that, she was able to secure a five - year - contract!

That was too overwhelming and before she left the function room, she dropped by again at Miss Cherry's office to thank her. If not because of her, she wouldn't be given the opportunity.

"My pleasure, Miss Kyamko. There are lots of shipyards here. Just write my name as your reference and the company I am representing. "

Allie felt so awed by her hospitality and at the warm and sincere smile which never left her face. She was so attractive, not just physically.There was really something in her which draw her emotionally. She felt she had met her somewhere before, only that she could not remember anymore.

It was already past seven in the evening when she arrived at the premises of the shipyard. She did not expect that her conversations with the department heads would last that long. To her amazement, she saw Hayri at the entrance with an angry look and she felt guilty. She only left him a post - it note by his door to tell him that she would be out for a while.

When she slowly pulled over to the direction of the parking lot which was on a big space next to their building, Hayri stopped her. She hurriedly opened the window to his side, thinking that something must have came up.

"Hayri, what's happening? " She asked worriedly as she looked at his dim expression.

"Leave the car here. I'll have the guard park it for you. "

She hurriedly turned off the engine, picked up her laptop and slid on her bag to her shoulders. Hayri was already standing by the door of her car when she straightened up. To Allie's bewilderment, he did not say a word but his glares were blazing like a fire. He picked the laptop from her hand and placed a rough arm around her shoulders, dragging her faster towards the elevator.

His strange behavior and his frightening look stirred up her paranoia and she began suspecting that something was really wrong.

Was she already caught? Was she going to die tonight? Did Hayri and his men find out about her? Were his men now able to send him a photo of her?

What would she do now? Would she run fast and escape while there was still a chance? Her thoughts ran wildly and before she knew it, they were already inside her room.

"Where have you been? "

Allie stared at him in confusion, her frightening imaginations made her unable to process his question. Though Hayri was younger than her but his tall and lean built made him look much older.

"Where have you been, I'm asking? "

Still, Allie was not in herself as her thoughts were still on the frightening scenarios her mind created.

"Zheena, did you ever think that you are scaring me to death? "

"Huh? " She was already trembling in fear and Hayri noticed it.

"Why are you trembling? Did I do something terrifying at you? "

Seeing her like that, his expression suddenly softened. Without waiting for an answer, Hayri pulled her to his chest and hugged her tightly.

"Zheena, I'm just worrying for you. I just don't want that incident to happen again. " Hayri was referring to the incident where she was almost raped.

"Next time, tell me wherever you want to go. I'll drive for you. I'll wait by the parking lot. I won't disturb you. Just don't make me worried like this again. " Hayri was already babbling like an electronic machine.

Still in shock and relief that she wasn't going to die, Allie's mind just automatically shut up. She wanted to speak but she couldn't find the words. For who knew how long, her quivering finally subsided.

"I don't want to die, Hayri. "

"Who said you're going to die? That incident had indeed traumatized you. From now on, I'm not allowing you to go out alone anymore. "

Allie smiled inwardly. If this man only knew that he was the greatest source of her trauma, of her anxiety..

"I'm sorry, I'm so late, Hayri. I'll prepare our dinner now. "

However, Hayri was quicker than her.

"Freshen yourself up. We'll go out for dinner. "