To Honor Her

After his college graduation, Mr. Lopez gave Ajie all his support and resources to work on his dream. He sent the best field experts from his biggest shipyard in Japan to help and guide Ajie in completing his project. In the shores of Kamelyo, the world's biggest and most luxurious cruise ship was standing tall and proud. In few more months, it could now make its maiden voyage. While it was still in completion process, Ajie was already working on the specific details of other designs, all waiting for it's proposed time frames.

While standing on the site supervising the men at work, a car stopped behind Ajie. He turned to the sound of the stopping engine and smiled when he saw who came over. Jane stepped out with a wide grin followed by Mr. Lopez who came out from the other door. Ajie then stepped forward to meet them.

"Mr. Lopez, it's good to see you here. " He reached for Mr. Lopez hand and take it to his forehead.

"Yes, dear. I'm getting excited everyday to see the final completion of your wonderful work. " Mr. Lopez exclaimed happily.

Ajie then turn to Jane and placed both of his hands at the edge of her shoulders then bent forward to kiss her cheek.

"I thought you have an important activity at school. " Ajie said as he looked into her eyes.

Jane quickly replied with a smile. "Nothing is more important than to be with the two most wonderful men of my life. "

"I'm so honored to be counted in." Ajie chuckled out softly as he glanced at Mr. Lopez.

Mr. Lopez smiled back at them. "I'm so glad to see my little princess falling in love. "

"Dad.."Jane pouted as she looked up at Mr. Lopez but gave out a soft laugh afterwards as she shifted her eyes towards Ajie.

Sensing her discomfort, Ajie smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked towards the office.

Once the three of them were seated on the couch inside the office, Mr. Lopez initiated a conversation.

'What will be the name of the

vessel? " Mr. Lopez asked as he leaned his back comfortably in the backrest.

Jane quickly answered in behalf of Ajie. " Dad, Ajie is going to name her after Allyza, in honor of sharing his dream back then. I mean, during those times when they dreamed together of how Ajie will become in the future. "

Ajie suddenly felt uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because he knew that eversince, Mr. Lopez always had sought for ways to have them knitted together. Sending her to Japan and allowing him to stay in their house was his first attempt. A week would not pass if he wouldn't set a dinner for the three of them and not show up afterwards. He also arranged out-of-town getaways during weekends where he would suddenly go home with an alibi, leaving the two of them alone.

Jane's innate sweetness and captivating Spanish - Filipina beauty was something a man would find hard to resist. Being good - natured, thoughtful and selfless were few of those amazing traits she also had. Not to mention her being a gifted child with an IQ of above 200 wherein the average for common people is only 100.

At 18, she was one of those few persons in the world who got a doctoral degree of philosophy. And lately as she took a degree in medicine proper, she couldn't almost stand the natural flow of class sessions. If not because of him, she would have not endured the boring hours of lectures and enroll instead again in an acceleration school where her unusually fast learning capacity would be catered. Due to the credited minor subjects in her previous course and summer classes, she was now on her last year of residency training. After this, she would be taking up a subspecialty training program for neurodevelopmental pediatrics.

On the other hand, even with the sense of awkwardness, Ajie was glad that Jane spoke out what he could not. He didn't want to offend Mr. Lopez though he also couldn't give in to all of his wishes.

"How about it, Adrian? Would you like to name her after Allyza? "

"I would love to, Sir. "Ajie replied confidently.

Mr. Lopez nodded with repressed disappointment but he did not dare to argue. It was her daughter who suggested it so be it.

"Any news about her? "

"None, sir. "Ajie lied. He himself was afraid to disclose any information about Allie.

"The best method to let her come out is to file an annulment. If she doesn't want to lose you, she would surely show up. "

"And in that way, Louise would also probably stop hunting her. Or, you would already be free from his monitoring on your activities because by annuling your marriage, he will think that you are already giving up in finding her. "

"Sir, does Louise know already that I am her husband? "

"Most likely. I have tried to talk to that boy many times but I still hear some news that his men are still out there. "

"Fortunately, he seems to slow down lately in tracking her up. I am even amazed on how he pushed up the plan in setting up a drug rehabilitation center inside the jail.Not only that, he also funded the expansion of the buildings to accomodate the prisoners comfortably. You know that the government is already facing an overcrowding problem in all the jails

lately. "

Ajie's face lit up. "Would it affect the status of Mr. Dioko inside the jail? "

"Greatly. From the last time I visited him, he was no longer kept securedly just like the other prisoners. He was free to roam around the premises without cuffs. "

"Is that really possible?"

"Sadly in our country, yes. "

"I'm happy to know that. "

"Yes because Dioko boy is not really the insinuator of that illegal thing. He was just forced into it due to some issues in the business where he was trapped. He once made a mistake in the past for seeking help from a wrong person. "

"I've heard that you can no longer go out once you're there. "

"Exactly. The pressures and threat on him was making him crazy. That's why, if you see him in jail, you will be surprised by his happy disposition. "

"He perhaps gained freedom finally. "

Mr. Dioko nodded thoughtfully. "That's the word. "

He also added. "There is a current plan that he would come out as a state witness as their is a need for someone who is co - accused to give direct evidences of the case. "