Sounds Familiar

"Stop! "

"Zheena, don't you want to spend the night with your husband? Do that later. Hurry up or you can't pick up some clothes at home anymore. " Cherry urged them to start their escapade with those annoyed look.

The two long lost lovers giggled as they reluctantly parted. While changing into new set of clothes, Cherry booked them a hotel suite with a seafront view. She chose the one with two connected rooms so that the two could have a privacy and she would not necessarily book another room for her. In case Hayri would spy on them, the fact that there were three of them in a room, would likely spare them from his suspicion.

Soon after that, they were already inside their suite wherein its floor-to-ceiling glass windows gave them the splendid view of the sun on top of the sky, the sparkling blue sea and the green island which outlined the horizon.