Chloe Is Lost

"Baby, there's a lot more to choose over there!" said the man whose eyes were beaming with excitement and deceipt.

Chloe glanced up towards the long line of stalls and found the vivid and bright colors attractive. She picked up one toy from one stall and run to the next stall to pick up another. The man also kept on stepping ahead of her and enticed her with more toys. Chloe did not realize that she had already wandered far.

A ring on the man's phone made him stop for a while to pick it up. 

"That's enough, " went the voice on the other line, "do it now."

"Got it, sir!" he replied then placed the phone back at his pocket.

He then bent down to meet Chloe's eyes. "Little girl, I have so many colorful toys in the car. I'll give it to you. How do you like it?"