Shift Your Focus

"Do you know that we were neighbors in Molave?"

Joanna smiled and nodded. "I know many things about you even before we met. Andrew tells me everything about your childhood, your college days and the day she talked to Allyza."

"So it is clear that he wants revenge. I just don't understand why he always looks at me as his competitor."

"Because you are," replied Joanna while a faint smile broke out in her lips.

Ajie narrowed his gaze towards her. He could not remember that he interfered in his plans and activities before. In fact, he gave up so many things just to give way to him.

"What do you mean?" 

Joanna sighed. How she wished she could tell him the whole truth. "Adrian, our sense of self-worth starts at home. If a child grows up in a home where love is overflowing, where he is given lavish attention and care, then we can expect that this child will grow up with self- confidence. Sadly, Andrew did not have this."