Tell Me The Whole Truth

"So, you were deceived about Andrew's identity?" Joanna asked when he no longer continued his story. She then began to understand why Leo did not acknowledge him right away. Even if she had just met him, she could tell he was a good man.

"There's more, and it's more horrible..." Leo replied, his lips pressed together into a weak smile. He looked at her for a while before his eyes hollowed out as he drifted back into his memories.

Before Leo could start speaking, Andrew stood up and stared at him. "I hate you! Mark my word, I will not also allow your son to be happy."

"Andrew!" came Joanna's voice, and Andrew dropped back to the floor. He looked at her like an obedient sheep, and Joanna gave him a look that made him slouch his back into the wall.

Joanna watched him until he pulled his knees together and locked his arms around it, placing his head on top afterward. She then turned to Leo and gestured for him to continue.
