A Baby Boy

Allie returned to her office after her meeting. She leaned on the backrest and closed her eyes. Her thoughts went back to Shiela's disturbed behavior a while ago, and she felt that the two knew each other. The hatred in her eyes stuck to her mind, and she hoped it was not business-related. If it were business, then she wouldn't thrive under the shadow of this Mr. Yu.

A knock on the door made her return to her senses. She looked towards the door, and Ajie's head pop on the small opening.

"You looked tired," he commented as he walked towards her and kissed her on the lips.

"I'm fine," she answered after she kissed him back, "it's just that I was bothered by Shiela's reaction a while ago."

"I saw anger and hatred, and she came in with bulging eye bags," she recalled, "and when she saw Mr. Yu, her expression darkened, making her disturbed throughout the meeting."

Ajie chuckled as he sat down across her, "Then I guess, it must be matters of the heart."