Secret Forever

All colors left Shiela's face as she realized that Ryan might expose their past to them. Even she did not wish to look back at the poignant memories she tried to leave behind. It was a nightmare she thought she had struggled hard to overcome, but here he was, stripping back the still fresh, non-healing wound inside her heart.

"Do I know you that much, Mr. Yu?" she said, flashing him an angry gaze as sharp as her tone.

"Come on, Shiela, you take everything seriously. I am just kidding around," he chuckled, easing the tension that built inside her.

Shiela sighed and threw a glare at him, glad that she stood behind the two women, who could not see her full reaction. Somehow, she also thought that perhaps, her new friends just made it easy for her.

"Please stop teasing me, Mr. Yu. I could not ride along well with jokes," she said, almost tempted to say," especially those that come from you."