The Islet Mystery 3

"Neil!" Shiela shouted as she tried to move away from him. She hated herself for sleeping like a lard that she never noticed him coming in.

"I'm sleeping. Don't you dare disturb me," he replied lazily, and Shiela got horrified. She pushed harder, but Ryan pulled her tighter.

"How dare you? I may have consented in coming here, but I never intend to fall into your lies again."

"Stop it! You're so noisy," Ryan answered, then she buried his face in her hair.

"Neil, your girlfriend, is waiting in her room. Why are you here?"

"Where do you want me to sleep? This is my room. You really want me with Jullien?"

"I don't care whoever is with you. It's long over between us!"

"But I miss you. Don't you miss me, too?"

"The day you left me all alone is the day I stopped thinking about you."