The Islet Mystery 17

Shiela couldn't hold it anymore. She had long desired to have someone to listen to her, to understand how she felt, and, most of all, someone she could trust with her secrets. She threw herself at him, and Mr. Dioko hugged her back. She felt the presence of her father again, and she started to cry.

"Looking at your eyes now hurts me. I can't imagine my daughter's fear back then, and it is something I regret."

Allie smiled as she heard him;  she had always admired him, even as a child. "Dad, how about gathering together and have a sincere talk?"

"But I guess, Shiela is already so tired, and she needs a rest," Mr. Dioko replied, gazing at her with a worried look.

"I love it, sir. I also wish to know all of you better."

"We may all come to her room after thirty minutes. I'll get her warmed up, first." Ryan replied, to Shiela's great surprise. She thought he would object it, knowing that he was very concerned about her health and her rest.