The Islet Mystery 64

To avoid suspicion, the boatman pulled closer to the shore. Shiela also got the chance to look closer at the men who posted in the area. With dark and big glasses that covered half of her face and a hat with large visor, she was sure these men could not recognize her.

"Is this islet a tourist destination also?" one of the men yelled.

"Everywhere could be if the guest wants it," the boatman replied, restarting the engine afterward.

Shiela and the boatman continued to move over to the other side, far away from where those men were standing. As Shiela was focusing her gaze at the islet through her binoculars, a wooden boat under a tree caught her attention. Though her eyes never left Yanyan when he jumped off from his boat and that she could still tell where he left it, she was sure that this boat was similar to his. It gave her an idea that perhaps, this could also be another route to where Yanyan and his grandparents lived.