Home in Molave 2

"What about me?" Cherry asked with a pout. Then she added, "Poor are the loveless for they shall be lonely." The group erupted into laughter, and Cherry pretended to sulk.

Everyone got tongue-tied, and before Ajie could find a solution, the sound of hooves clicking against the rocks as well as the occasional clinking of the harness dispersed into the air. Jane squealed in excitement, and Cherry slumped back in envy into the chair, exciting a round of laughter again.

"Che, hop in!" hollered a rider covered with a brown bonnet and a hat after he scanned his eyes over the group.

Cherry straightened up and stared at the rider, trying to recall the owner of the voice. The man jumped off the horse and removed his hat and bonnet, revealing himself.

"Richard! You're here, also?" Cherry shrieked in excitement.