Home In Molave 36

"What do you say?"

"You heard it right, Jane. I said, marry me." 

"Dr. Charles, crush and love are two different things."

"I know, but everything can be learned if you open your heart to it. We can work on it."

"It's not as easy as you think. I don't want to bind myself into a loveless marriage."

Dr. Charles chuckled, his eyes fixed on Jane, challenging her. " Just think about it, Jane. If you agree to marry me, your best friend will be free. Though it's indeed risky, but I know a way that would make Markus release him."

"Fine, Dr. Charles. I'm going to marry you in one condition also." Jane looked straight into the eyes with an equally challenging look he threw at her a while ago.

Dr. Charles chuckled. "It's not fair, Jane. I'm the one giving you the condition."

"Believe me, and you won't regret it."