Vassal Kingdom Rhea

"Sir, Jain said I should give this to you," Ramuja handed the gold letter to Irion. Irion took it and opened the letter.

-- Go to Vassal Kingdom Rhea, talk to the guard and say that you want to meet Second Prince Gaum Cresthold, the code is: Raven Peacock. –

'So, Young Lord has his own footing in Rhea Kingdom already, amazing,' Irion pondered. He knew that his master was talented, but to be able to hold a footing in a tough vassal kingdom like Rhea, it was no easy feat for a young aristocrat.

Irion nodded and pocketed the letter, "We should go now."

"Yes sir." Ramuja said.

"Wait, before that," Irion suddenly interrupted, "Call me Irion, we are both in the same position now. Also, what is your name?"

Ramuja wasn't sure if it was right for him to call his teacher informally, but since Irion was the one who suggested it first, Ramuja replied, "My name is Ramuja, nice to know you um… Irion."