A True Love and Priority

"Milord got discovered?!"

The news shocked the whole Swordheart mansion in Golden Camellia. The news from Nate arrived late, because he got wounded after he fought against Emperor Charles' twin assassins. Although he and Prince Rama's spy were quite skillful, the twin assassins were proved to be too much for them to handle. They were lucky because they got reinforcement from Great King's shadow guards.

While Nate returned back to Golden Camellia as soon as possible, Prince Rama's spy, who introduced himself as Adah, stayed in Golden Camellia in case something terrible happened again to Milord Aster.

"Yes, Sir, Milord also got attacked by Countess Merry of Belleresse and he got many grievous scratches on his back, he had been treated, but the doctor said that it would leave scar and also his kidney is damaged because Countess Merry stabbed his kidney with walking stick…"