I am that evil

"Ch..angyu... Wh...at are you talking about right now?" Her mother was the first one to stutter in shock. 

Why was she suddenly asking about something like that? Her eyes nervously quickly looked at the direction where her husband was standing. He was also looking at Changyu with wide eyes and his hands was beginning to shake just like hers.

"When there is a question, there should be an answer. You don't ask back a question!" Changyu yelled at her mother. 

"Give me the truth. I want it" She stretched out her hand like 'the truth' was something tangible they could just hand over to her. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. We...told you your baby was crema—"

Before her father could complete  the sentence and say the word 'cremated', Changyu already yelled at him also.

"It was what you told me. I'm asking for the truth right now!" 

Her mother's legs failed her so she supported herself with the couch.