To dos...

45 minutes later...

After one extra large pizza, one choco lava cake and one wheat bread vegetable foot-long, the two headed back to the library.

"Hey! What are you going to wear tomorrow?" Isa suddenly halted and looked at Jacob in confusion.

"I don't know! How does it even matter!" Jacob frowned looking at the girl.

"It does! I read it in some previous chapters! Your over-all dessing sense, the way you interact with everybody effects the mental level of the investors a lot."

"Ohk! Then I'll read those points now and practice it." Jacob sighed, feeling a little tired.

"Yes! I have jotted them down, in short!"

The two entered the cubicle and Isa, flipped through the pages of her writing pad, looking at it carefully. "Here it is! Easy ways to impress your difficult investors!" She handed over the pad to Jacob, which Jacob started reading.

"Rule No 1, Know your business, market and competition inside and out.

Rule No 2, The handshake is critical and should be 'in the midpoint'- not sweaty or too dry, not limp but not too firm. It should last two to three seconds.

Rule No 3, Listen to the questions the investors ask, and answer them directly. Don't reply solely on a prepared presentation.

Rule No 4, Dress equal to your audience-not more or less. If you are meeting your investors, you can not show up in a hoodie.

Rule No 5, Pound the pavement and canvas your network for investors.

Rule No 6, Bring an example and talk about your customers.

Rule No 7, Know your investors, in and out specially there weak and strong points."

Jacob paused for a moment, reading the points again and again.

"So what do you think?" Isa looked at the boy, who was again and again reading the points, carefully registering them.

"Well! From all this what we are lacking is complete information of the investors, which I can start reading right now." Jacob halted looking at the points.

"Ok! I will print out the list of all the major investors. What is the second point you are missing?" Isa looked at the buy, in curiousity.

"Well, a presentable suit and a tie to go with it!"