If you insist...

Isa gaped at the boy, hearing his words and suddenly applied the breaks of the car, feeling overwhelmed at his unexpected scentence. "Say that again!"

"What! No way Isa, just drive!" Jacob covered his face in embarrasment as the girl looked at him, in awe.

"Haha! Ok! That's a big improvement here!" Isa pressed the accelerator and drove off, speeding towards Jacob's house.

They both discussed the important points on the way, while Jacob practiced his speech too. Soon the car entered the plush Miller house, moving towards the porch.

As soon as the car halted, Samantha opened the door and looked at the halted car. She was excited to see Isa once again! Ah! So the boy had been with her all night. So much for not meeting her ever again! They are already spending their nights together!

"Hello there beautiful girl! Nice to see you again!" Samantha came forewards towards the car and looked at the girl happily.

Isa looked in her right and saw the familier lady standing. "Oh! Hello their mam! It's nice to see you too!" Isa quickly stepped out of the car, to greet the lady.

"Please call me aunty! Jacob also calls me that!" Samantha looked at the boy, who lazily stepped out of the car. She gave him a wicked smile, which Jacob instantly understood.

"Oh! Aunty, me and Isa were studying in the library whole night!" Jacob pursed his lips, feeling embarrased by Samantha's excited grin.

"You...You were studying whole night? Hahaha!! You were...what? Studying??" Samantha burst into laughter, looking at the boy.

Isa also could not help but laugh, looking at the boy's embarrased face.

"Haha!!! So funny!! But I was actually studying! You can ask Isa!" Jacob looked at the girl, who was already laughing at him.

"You?! How would I know? You just met me on the way and I dropped you to your home! Don't drag me in your lies!" Isa looked at the boy, with her wide eyes, looking very innocent and serious.

"Isa!!!!!" Jacob reached forward to pinch the girl, but the girl backed-off, giggling at Jacob.

"What?! I just spoke the truth!" Isa backed-off further, while Jacob was ready to pounce on the girl.

"Jacob! Is that how you treat a guest?" Samantha frowned, looking at the angry boy. She then turned to look at Isa and smiled. "Isa, sweetheart please come in, I will prepare a delicious breakfast for you!"

Isa's stomach grumbled loudly, in response to Samantha's words. Jacob who heard the noise too, chuckled looking at the girl's embarassed face. Isa shot him an angry look and looked back at Samantha and smiled. "Oh! That would be too troublesome Aunty! Maybe some other time!"

"Haha! You are already drooling! Just come inside!" Jacob chuckled and held the girl's arm, bringing her inside.

Isa grinned looking at the boy. "Ohk! If you insist so much!"