
"Oh please don't let our presence bother you. We too want coffee!" Jacob grinned looking at everybody. Everybody smiled and sat down, not looking at the couple anymore.

Jacob pulled the chair for the girl, finally leaving her hand, making her sit. He sat down on the chair, opposite to her looking at her intently.

"What?" The girl asked in confusion.

"I hardly know you!" Jacob chuckled.

"I know! We know like, really nothing and we are already going out for dinner!" Isa chuckled too.

"Yes! It is so wierd."

"Hmmm! So let us know each other. You tell besides, commiting suicide, what are your other hobbies?" She grinned widely, making the boy laugh.

"Hahaha! I like gyming, football, karate and deap sea diving!" Jacob smiled. "Oh! Also rugby!"

"Wow! All sports!" Isa was not really surprised looking at the muscular boy.


"Ummm..Painting, piano, bowling, cycling, pottery, sketching and offcourse reading!"

"Nice! Favourite food?"

"Everything unhealthy? You?"