The letter...

"Oh! That reminds me!" Isa opened her clutch and took out a rectangular shaped box from it. "I bought this for you! Forgot to give it back in the office!" She handed over the box to him, looking at him.

"A gift?! Wow!! Let's see what's in there!" Jacob unwrapped the box happily, looking at it intently. There was a beautiful wooden box, tied with a jute thread, with today's date engraved on it. Jacob smiled looking at the box and untied the knot of the thread.

Inside the wooden box was a small transparent bottle, full of small shiny stars and a large piece of rolled paper. Jacob looked at the bottle in happiness and kept its the box on table. He then pulled out the cork of the bottle, making many shining stars fall all over. He pulled out the rolled piece of paper, which was tied with a thread and untied it.

It was a hand-written note and Jacob looked at Isa in surprise. "Did you write it?"

Isa smiled and nodded in a 'Yes'.

Jacob looked back at the note, reading it in his mind.