Sleep in my house..

"Don't be so happy ok! It happens! Now it won't!" Jacob smirked, picking up another glass.

Isa too picked up her glass and they both clinked it together, and in one swift go they gulped it down, frowning profousely.

The bartender hooted for them. "Look at them! It's going to be a tough one!" 

Isa and Jacob looked at each other and chuckled hard, looking at each other's watery eyes. They both picked up their third class and clinked it with each other. In next few seconds they were already three glasses down!

"Look at the girl, three glasses down and still sitting straight!" Jacob patted the girl's back.

He suddenly retraced his hand when his palm touched her naked back.

Isa too mimiced Jacob's actions keeping her hand on Jacob's back. "Look at the boy! He will soon be a double loser!" 

They both grinned looking at each other, and picked up there fourth glass. They clinked their glasses again and poured down the drink in their mouths.