The winner...

Jacob looked at the girl in surprise and then turned to look at the the tray placed on the counter, before him. He hesitantly picked up the glass, taking it close to his mouth but the smell of alcohol made him cringe instantly. 

He took a deap breath and then tried again. But this time, he was almost on the verge of throwing up! "No way!! I can't drink anymore!! You win!" Jacob placed down his glass, covering his face with his hands.

"Woohoooo!!!!" Isa placed down her glass too and turned to look at the bartender.

"Referee dear ! Did you hear that?" 

"Yes! Isa wins the world championship of shorts drinking!" The bartender held up the girl's hand high in the air as if she had won a wrestling competition.

"Yayyyyy!!!!!" She hooted and cheered for herself.

Jacob looked at the silly girl, chuckling at her. "Wait a second! You did not even drink yours!" He glanced at the full vodka glass, placed on the tray.